I am not just speaking of progression in terms of specificity such as: fitness, training, in a relational sense or spiritually, but rather in life in general. OVERALL. I know, a little backwards don't you think? But, that begs the question: What is it that OVERALL (in general) in one's life causes progression? Sure, there are specific incidences that influence this forward motion, but what leads an individual to admittedly change their entire thinking and developing process to reap the benefits of pursuing their life goals? How do these influence the rate at which we progress?
Finally, if life tends to cycle in repetitious circles of high and low seasons, is it that progress truly happens at a specified point in time or is merely recognized at a specific point in time; either way,causing rapid and undeniable changes within an individual and the way others perceive them? While other's perception is a whole other ball game, let's say for arguments sake, that 100% of the time outsiders will notice the progressive changes as they occur, or also identify the changes at a specific point in time; usually correlating almost exactly to when others notice these changes as well. Sometimes, outsiders even notice these changes before we notice. It may not be pin-pointed as progression, but the changes are certainly undeniable.
These questions have been wandering a blunder in my mind, and for the sake of this blog, I will certainly attempt to avoid tangent thoughts and stick to answering these questions as I have found applicable in my own experiences thus far.
Question 1: What is it OVERALL in one's life that causes PROGRESSION?
(Remember I am speaking generally, and attempting to avoid specific experience in order to best answer this)
Doubt, failure and weakness breed progressive behaviors if motivation lies within. You can argue internal versus external motivation within an individual either exists or does not, but truly does that argument de-validate the point that motivation must exist, and be drawn from either negative or positive energy sources? To each his own source. I have yet to meet anyone who did not possess a motivating force for their life; even if negative or for a specific agenda.
Now that the above is established, let's explore the other questions....
Question 2: What leads an individual to admittedly change their entire thinking and developing process to reap the benefits of pursuing their life goals?
Assuming that an individual has been motivated by doubt, failure and / or weakness of some kind; they have chosen to reap benefits from these failures. Hence, progressing forward to change that pattern. Their motivation may have simply been to break their doubtful, weak and failing pattern. Now an individual has consciously decided to allow growth and development within their life.
Okay, now in order to continue in forward motion with these realizations after the individual has decided to allow initial development in their mind; obviously they need to decide where to apply it to. The only logical place is toward their goals. I mean, right? Where else would you apply all of this recognized energy toward if not to better yourself or directional goal? I can't think of anywhere. Now, once one realizes this they need to determine the rate at which they apply this concept; which leads me into my next question / answer....
Question 3: How do these influence the rate at which we progress?
Realizing all of the above, allows one to truly evaluate the how realistic achieving is to them. If they have gained a lot of energy toward a specific direction, then perhaps they may pursue the goal full-force because they realize that it is obtainable; especially with the doubt, weakness, and fear of failure strongly in the background. From there, even more motivation is often drawn because what's the worst that can happen? You fail again? So what... that's experience right? Perhaps for some, just the thought of running away from failure and doubt causes an adrenaline rush and that "fight or flight" response; in which, the individual at this point actually views success or failure as a survival mechanism.
Question 4: If life tends to cycle in repetitious circles of high and low seasons, is it that progress truly happens at a specified point in time or is merely recognized at a specific point in time; either way, causing rapid and undeniable changes within an individual and the way others perceive them?
Both. Successes and failures allow experiences to be identified as such: success or failure, that instills something internally in each of us. This something is the opportunity for PROGRESSION. This opporunity may be perceived by others before we recognize it, or it may also be doubted by others before they undeniably recognize it. Either way, the cycle continues for individuals who CHOOSE to recognize this, and then CHOOSE to pursue and live in a progressive way. If "fight or flight" response does not kick in, then an individual may recognize the opportunity to be motivated, but they are not as motivated to pursue their goal as they are truly pursue AND live out goal. See the difference? Pursuit is a risk. Pursuit may cause failure. <--- That statement alone is doubt. When doubt, failure or weakness overshadows motivating behaviors, one will NEVER be successful.
It isn't until you can look at YOURSELF, not others around you and realize that YOU NEED PROGRESS. Not just to recognize that you need it, not just to say that you need it, not just to think about progressing, or talk about progressing, but when you DO the following, you are already progressing:
Moving on - past failures and fears
Growing - from experiences
Learning - from internal and external sources
Change - Change your response to the sources, and failures, and weakness. Change your ATTITUDE
Adapting - "Fight or Flight" - Survival. Let nothing be a reason to fail.
Running past contentment - Constantly evaluate your failure, fears and weakness
Pursuit of something better - Use negatives for positives, and DON'T GIVE UP.
Appreciation of forward motion - Be thankful for every aspect of growth along the way, and don't let it hinder your goals, but rather fuel the desires....
..... To me, this is progression; coming full circle.
When you want to be successful as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be