
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Old News: Life is more then who WE are... (2010)

Life is more than who we are...

I am learning that life truly is more than just who we are. It's more than our acheivements, our failures, our successes. Life is ever changing, and so are our relationships. One day, you sit down and say damn- who really cares about me? And who is it that really matters to me?

Above all - I have learned that nothing in life is undefetable. Nothing is too much to bare. Although sometimes you feel like you just want to give up, and quit trying - there is always a reason to continue forward. There are days that seem like they`ll never end, like everything that could go wrong could. But, the truth is, there is always a worse day out there! Maybe you`ll get it in the future, or maybe someone else will, but that's just how it is.

It's so easy to sit back and whine and complain to feel sorry for yourself, and give yourself excuses to not pursue greatness anymore. But, it's even more difficult to shed but a few tears, then suck it up and say "I am better than this" and move forward.

Life is all about relationships. All throughout the bible God points this out. What truly matters in our lives is the company we keep. These people will teach you things, and be by your side to influence you. Be careful of the company you keep because they do have a lot of influence.

And, I have changed my company a lot in the last year. I realize that life is more than sex, alcohol, parties, vanity, fashion, what car I drive, the material things that I have! Because when all of those things aren't present, what do you have to make you happy?

I am renewing my faith in good people, and hope, love, compassion, trust, etc. There will always be people out there who are selfish (as we all are to some extent), but some people take it way too far! I don't want the selfish people in my life, or by my side in anyway.

Bottom Line:

I only want people in my life who will support me throughout all of my mistakes and wrongdoings. Through all of my flaws and faults.

I want the people who can handle themselves in tough situations by doing the right thing, and taking responsibility for their actions. I want people who bare their own circumstances and consequences, not run from them.

I want my friends who accept me for me. Love my silliness, sassiness, spunkiness, my character, my dedication to my health and my life.

I only want good people in my life!! Life is way too precious to waste it on ignorant people who care only for themselves and are too wrapped up to care about anyone else or how they're affected!

So to all the great people in my life ---- I love you all! 

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